
The club is proud of its reputation as being the most welcoming and social football club in the AFL Ontario. Its members work tirelessly in maintaining a club culture based on respect and acceptance of people from all walks of life - regardless of their football abilities. First and foremost it is a club that acts as a family away from home for Canadians and Australians alike. Conversely, in the last couple of years - as their base of Canadian players increase their playing experience and further develop their skills (thanks to the continuing efforts of the Australian contingent), the club's on-field results have reflected their off field achievements. Today the Blues are one of the strongest clubs both on and off the field.

So whether you're new to the sport or someone who's loved this sport before - we are always welcoming new members into the Blues family! Please contact the club to find out when the club will next be socializing and/or training - so you can come out and meet the guys and gals of the Blues. You won't regret it!